edmonton shipping container coffee shop shuttered due to theft — again


A new local coffee shop in a container is closed because the small business said it was attacked by thieves twice in a few weeks.
The coffee can is a mobile coffee shop that has been offering java in a modified container on the roadside of downtown Edmonton since June. In mid-
On July, the business sent messages through various social media platforms, reporting an interruption --
Where the generator was stolen
Shortly thereafter, the company Equipment launched a fund-raising campaign to try to raise funds to replace the generator and resume business.
A few days later, the coffee can was able to reboot and run via a backup power supply, although that meant that the mobile coffee shop had to be parked near Epcor Tower in downtown Edmonton.
Just a few weeks later, the company reportedin.
According to police,and-
When Enter stopped at 100, it was reported at the company. and 103A Ave. —
Only four blocks from Edmonton police headquarterson Aug. 6.
Police confirmed that the theft occurred overnight and one item was lost, but police detained the stolen item as the investigation continued.
\"We have made great progress, but since we took a breakand-enter, smash-and-
Grab has left us paralyzed again this season.
We lost most of our devices and the countertop was damaged, \"wrote a post on Instagram for coffee cans.
The company said it will close for the rest of the season but is working


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